Audio with text for pleco's lyric reader


I LOVE pleco's lyrics reader. Unfortunately, it is not easy (at least for me) to find audio books on the internet (in my case is childrens books) or audio dialogs with the text already embeded to be used with the lyrics reader.

I just wanted to share with you a webpage a found recently called that has some basic audios with the text already embeded in iphone's audio format (you can download it directly from itunes for free or from the webpage). Its perfect for pleco.

Cheers to all

PD: I also have the little prince but i should first check that is public domain and find a link for the audio to be downloaded. I hope I can share it with you all.


Places that may be worth checking (they only have some free 课文's but they are pretty cool )

They both have a FREE NEWS PODCAST (may be found also in itunes by imandarin.pod). Each podcast only has three news, but the cool thing is that:

1-they have the text embedded in the mp3 so you just update your podcast and can listen and read the news on pleco's lyric reader (it seems that they update every two days but you may also download past chapters).
2- For those of us who still think NEWS in chinese are just difficult 的要命 (the rest of you can simply listen to the real news on tv) They read the news twice, first at a tourtle's speed so you can actualy realize what they are saying and one at a normal speed.
