ARGH!! Plecodict Beta was working fine until...


OK, it's midnight here in Taiwan and I need to sleep rather than to stay up late worrying about my dictonary. Everything was working fine, but when I tapped characters I was only getting a small magnified character rather than the big one. So, I went to the manual, checked to see that on my low res Zire 31 I needed to download the Large high res font (font 24). I also deleted the Font 22 file that was on my card but was not listed on the list of files.

This is where my problems began. After installing, I was told there were absolutely no magnified fonts installed. So, I reinstalled all fonts. The Pleco wouldnt open at all because it said I had no fonts. So I reinstalled Plecodict (angry at this point because I know I will need to reenter all of my codes)... Now the error is that I have no datafiles. I popped my external SD card into my computer to check for sure, the files are in the PALM/Launcher directory as they should be.

What am I missing?? I did a soft system reset to no avail. I am not looking forward to going to class tomorrow without a functioning dictionary. HELP!


Staff member
My best guess about this is that you're accidentally installing font files from one version of the dictionary software and an application program from another; the Beta 1 font files won't work with the Preview Releases, and vice versa. This might not even have been something you did deliberately, it could simply be something related to the Palm Desktop file backup system.

Anyway, my recommendation is that you delete everything Pleco-related off of your Zire and SD card, sync your Zire with your PC (which should remove any Pleco-related files from your backup folder), then install PlecoDict again.


up and woking again...

Mike, Thanks much for the help. I was not really expecting to have anyone reply on a Sunday.

I had tried to delete everything yesterday, but something was wrong and when I tried to do that, I got an error saying it could not be deleted. This morning when I got your message, I tried again. I deleted and reloaded everything (after deleting all Pleco files from my computer and redownloading to make sure all files were from the current release). It's working now.

I think I was keeping the old files around "just in case" beta didnt work for me so that I could go back to an earlier release. That was pretty stupid.
Thanks again!


file names

hi mike,

a related issue - i think there is a problem with the font filenames:

on the computer, the font files are called: font18, 24 and 48 respectively.

but using a filemanager on my pda, they appear as "plecodict font 22, 28 and 48" respectively.

this might confuse some people.




Staff member
Actually it makes a lot of sense to keep the old files around, there certainly are people who've reported problems in the beta version that they didn't have in the preview release.

jo - thanks for pointing this out (careless oversight on our part). We probably should come up with some better names than those largely-meaningless numbers anyway.


numbers are fine with me, but it shoulb be the correct ones...

but how about 'big HiRes font' , 'small LowRes font' etc?

