Are "BYO" fonts supported in the Document Reader?


My apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere; I did do a search and couldn't find anything. I'm curious if Pleco supports the notion of installing fonts that a person might have personally licensed (like through Dynalab). My 老師 teaches us using Zhuyin and provides us with print-outs that show the Zhuyin right alongside the 漢字 (which is a very quick way to be able to "read" the material phonically while building recognition of the characters). She also sends us the electronic file which I study using Pleco's Document Reader (because how did anyone ever learn Chinese before Pleco? ;-)),

If it were possible to see this composite Hanzi/Zhuyin format in Pleco's Document Reader by way of a font (which is how I understand she is able to do it with the print-outs), I'd consider licensing one of these composite fonts.

Does anyone happen to know if this is supported, and if so what the process is for installing a BYO (bring your own) font? I'm using the iOS version.



Staff member
Not supported at the moment, though adding ruby text (in Pinyin or Zhuyin) above characters in the reader is on our to-do list.