App settings changed after upgrade / enabling iCloud Drive (?)



I have an iPhone and an iPad. I upgraded to Pleco 3.2.1 on both. A little while after upgrading, I enabled iCloud Drive on both devices. During this time, I didn't use Pleco on the iPhone, other than to look up a few words. Tonight, I happened to go into Organize Cards on the iPhone, and saw that all my cards and the flashcard database were gone. I checked Settings and saw that iCloud Sync was not enabled. I enabled it, and my flashcard database successfully downloaded from iCloud.

Question: would enabling iCloud Drive and/or upgrading to a new version have caused my flashcards to go missing and/or have disabled iCloud Sync? I am 100% sure iCloud Sync was enabled before upgrading Pleco and enabling iCloud Drive.

On a related note: it seems like my flashcard import settings are not being preserved after I upgrade Pleco. For example, I have "allow duplicates" and "file only" enabled for flashcard import, but after upgrading I noticed that these options had been changed. I also believe this has happened when I upgraded the past few versions of Pleco, but I'm not 100% sure.



Staff member
The iCloud Drive transfer could indeed cause this behavior, yes. In 3.2.2 we've added an alert when we can't find a previously-used set of iCloud flashcards, so instead of just creating an empty non-iCloud database and leaving it to you to re-enable sync support it tells you what the problem is and suggests rebooting your phone / disabling and re-enabling iCloud sync / contacting support.

Honestly, though, iCloud document sync on iOS 8 in general is kind of a nightmare and has forced us to shift our plans back towards rolling our own sync solution, so we may have a better solution for you soon via that. (The new CloudKit is actually fantastic, but doesn't offer anything like the transfer limits we'd need for flashcard sync - 5 KB/day is woefully inadequate)
The way I read those transfer limits is that you start with 250KB/day and get 5 more KB/day for every app user, but presumably you can then redistribute that among users--only a fraction of plecoers would need to sync flashcards every day. Or is that still woefully inadequate?


Staff member
@gato - in theory we could sync the whole database as an asset, but then the 0.5MB/day would become problematic for that.

@jekbradbury - that would almost work for our current flashcard system, but it would still be way too low once we start allowing embedded audio / images and more complicated definition formatting (we're going to end up storing the full text of a lot more cards than we do now) and tracking more detailed statistics.