AnkiDroid missing and other issues

Hi! First, thanks for Pleco, it's awesome!

New tablet, new issues.

-I got the AnkiDroid missing message. I tried to follow the recommendations and install the apk from the website but then the option to add AnkiDroid as a Flashcard system disappears.

-In Readera, with Pleco chosen as dictionary, I search a word, and it will work... The first time. If I go back and then look for another word, it will just revert to that first word. If I delete it, it just stays like that. If I kill the Pleco task, it will work again one time.

-I can't use the floating pop-up. It appears but does nothing.

I'm assuming this is some permissions issue (these options all work on my Xiaomi phone, but don't on my Lenovo tablet) but Pleco/Readera/AnkiDroid all have all the permissions. All without battery restrictions. Readera works normally with other dictionaries.

I can't think of anything else to do.



Staff member
AnkiDroid: Did you run AnkiDroid after installing it?

Readera: that's a new one - is the option to search for the clipboard on startup turned on? Does it help if you turn that off?

Floating popup: if you sign up for the beta version at that should fix it. (update has been in beta all summer because we're waiting on a third-party library update to support Google's irritating new 16kb page size requirement)
Thanks for your fast reply.

AnkiDroid: Yep. Now I did again and it does appear as the Flashcard system but doesn't create any card there.

Readera: that was off. Tried to turn it on and still the same. It's as if it only worked when you "woke up" Pleco, but never after.

Popup: just joined. I'll post when I'm fully in.

AnkiDroid: if it's not open before Pleco it shows the mentioned AnkiDroid missing prompt.

Popup: works for the browser but in Readera it doesn't (says there's no text, be it epub, pdf, azw, ZH, EN...).


Staff member
AnkiDroid: did you configure your model settings?

Readera: OK, maybe some sort of a process switching thing - are you able to tap on Pleco in the text selection menu?

Popup: yeah, that just means Readera is masking apps like Pleco from extracting text from it; OCR mode might work better