And/Or options for test profile card selection categories


Is there a way to specify OR rather than AND when adding card selection categories? In more detail: flashcards, test profile, card selection, I can set custom conditions, date added to category X, today. If I add another condition, date added to category Y, today, then the test will only include cards added to both categories today, I think, but I would like this to be ‘either’ if you see what I mean? What I am really trying to do, is to create a test profile, to practice on a combination of all the cards I have created today, in addition to some existing cards that I have added to a new (i.e. new for this card) category today. Not sure if this makes sense, but it is useful to me!


Staff member
There's actually a 'condition group' condition that's supposed to let you OR/AND/NAND/NOR child conditions together, but it seems to have gone missing in that screen (it is available doing a custom filter in other places) - we'll file that as a bug, thanks.