Alternate Fonts View


I normally have Pleco configured for Traditional characters with the Simplified shown in brackets in the headwords.

I noticed the new feature to show Alternate Fonts on the Chars tab does not show some of the fonts like Seal Script when I am in Traditional mode, but that font does appear in the Alternate Fonts list when I am in Simplified mode.

Is that intentional (perhaps that font file is only configured to be a simplified one), and would it make sense to maybe display the Opposite Character Set Alternate Fonts on the CHARS tab as well?



Staff member
The font files are primarily simplified, yes; we're working on improving their traditional support where we can, though (with Seal Script at least it's just an encoding problem, most of the characters are closer to traditional anyway).

But we already do show opposite character set fonts in that section by default - do the characters in the opposite set not appear if you scroll down? Is Pleco normally configured to not display simplified at all for you?


Oh ok then probably it is just Seal Script that is missing when I'm using Traditional. Attached are screenshots of everything I see on the CHARS tab (first one when Traditional characters are displayed, second one when Simplified are displayed). As far as I know I have not configured Pleco to turn off anything related to Simplified, but I'm not really sure where that setting is.

Photo May 21, 11 44 31 AM.png Photo May 21, 11 44 45 AM.png


Staff member
Ah, thanks - looks like there's a bug that's keeping the opposite set from showing for single characters as it does for multi. Fix shortly in 3.2.6. (the quick-and-dirty "patch up the mistakes we made in 3.2.5 before settling in for 3.3" update)