After updating iphone software followed by pleco app, characters are not recognisable


I updated my iphone to IOS 7.1.2, I got a message to update my pleco app. I am not sure exactly what the message said. I clicked yes.

Now when I search for a word in either CC-EDICT, PLECO C-E, ADSO the pinyin and english are correct but the characters are strange. Both the simplified and traditional setting show characters that look more like traditional characters but are incorrect. I cannot give an example because the characters are not available on microsoft pinyin. I showed it to a Chinese person, and they said it looked 乱码了。

I have tried re-downloading some dictionaries with no effect. any idea what could have happened?

Thank you,



Staff member
Update to the latest version of Pleco - you're using an extremely outdated one that's not compatible with iOS 7.