Adding New Phrases to User Dictionary


Hi Mike,

I believe I've found a small bug in the Dictionary part. If I search for the phrase "赛后" in the normal Chinese headword search mode (with the black "C"), I first get the "No Results Found" message. If I cycle through the Search mode button until I return to the same black "C", the unknown phrase will be broken up into its component parts, with an option to add it to a User Dictionary. Shouldn't Pleco display this right after entering the phrase?

Another question: If I have multiple User Dictionaries, how do I set which user dictionary a new entry is added to per default? I couldn't find it in the manual at first blush.



Staff member
That's odd - are you sure this was the black C and not some other icon?

Whichever dictionary ranks highest in Manage Dicts will normally be used by default - if you'd like it to use another one, lock all of the ones above it (in their individual screens in Manage Dicts) and it'll pick the highest unlocked one.


Yes, if I enter the nonexistent phrase "打赛" with the black C selected, I get this result:


Then I cycle through the Search modes and get back to the black C, now I get this:


So I'd most like to get to the second screen on the first try. It also reverts to the first screen when I switch from Settings back to Dictionaries, for example.

Thanks for the other tip, that did it.


Staff member
Hmm, yeah, definitely not seeing this behavior here. What were you doing immediately before you entered 打赛? Did you enter it with our handwriting system or the iOS system keyboard? And how are your settings under Search Interface and Search Engine configured now?


I was just staying inside Dictionary, entering words. I used Pleco's handwriting recognizer. I completely quit the app and restarted it, entered "打赛" and got the behavior, too.

My Search Interface and Search Engine settings are as follows:

IMG_0671.PNG IMG_0672.PNG


Staff member
Hmm... still no luck reproducing it. How many user dictionaries do you have? And how big are they / for which languages? Do any of them have full-text search enabled? Could you possibly send me your Manage Dictionaries and Manage Dictionary Groups sort orders, and let me know if you've changed any of the dictionary-specific settings from their defaults? (sorry, but this one is a real puzzle)


打赛 has strange results in Android too. I always get "no-hitter" from LDC as result, starting with any dictionary. Or is the full-text-search in this case the normal reaction?


I have six user dictionaries, now all but one of them are locked. I didn't change many settings. I've sent you all the screenshots by E-Mail.

I also get the same full-text search result from LDC as HW60 does, but only if I manually switch from Chinese to Chinese full text.


Staff member
Thanks - reproduced it now. It's a bug that comes out of the combination of three things:
  • Intelligent segmentation on
  • Full-text Chinese search group has "Full-text search only" option disabled
  • Full-text Chinese search result exists for the word
We already submitted 3.2.4 earlier in the week, so since this is a pretty rare combination and there are a lot of other important bug fixes in that update I don't think we'll pull + resubmit it just for this, but we'll fix it for 3.2.5 at any rate. In the meantime I'd suggest you either disable intelligent segmentation or turn those "Full-text search only" options back on.