Add to user dictionary from search when there are partial matches


If I search for a word that isn't found, there's a button to add a user dictionary entry.

But if I search for something that is not a separate entry, but is part of a longer entry. For example, I want to add '集中精力' but I can't find the button because there's a result '集中精力把经济建设搞上去'.

(I can create a flashcard first, enter pinyin manually, create entry from there then delete the flashcard, but that seems overly complicated).

So, how to do this?


Staff member
In theory adding a space to the end of a search term should limit it to just those characters and not go longer, but that seems to be broken at the moment, oddly enough, so for right now I'd suggest switching to the Unihan dictionary (long-press the dictionary switch icon) - that should put it back into the breakdown mode. (this should be fixed shortly in 3.2.7)

Or alternatively, tap on the edit entry button at the top of the longer entry to create a new user dictionary entry and then delete the extraneous characters / Pinyin from the end of your new entry.