Add measure words to user created flash cards


I like to make my own flash cards so the formatting is all kept the same, but I love how some dictionaries add the “MW [example]”

I know I can use @@@ to get the formatting for the text box.

Also I’ve created a custom field called “Measure Word.”


What can I do so that the content I type into “Measure Word” shows up on my flash card? Preferably I’d like it to only show up after I click the answer, the same way the notes do, but I can live with it being permanently part of the card.



Staff member
There's no straightforward way to do that at the moment (it's possible but it involves delving through the completely undocumented custom presentation / custom test type settings), but that should be addressed in our next big beta update.
There's no straightforward way to do that at the moment (it's possible but it involves delving through the completely undocumented custom presentation / custom test type settings), but that should be addressed in our next big beta update.
Oh! In that case I can’t wait for the next update!!

If I start filling in my custom Measure Word field now will it be beneficial to me after the update? Or will it change too much?


Staff member
That should be fine, the settings for fields will change but we're not deleting any of the underlying data and you should still be able to select the 'measure word' field to display.

But if you already have them in a text file somewhere, you don't really need to enter them by hand - you can populate that field through a custom text import.