A platform with NO transmit, IR, WiFi, BluTooth?


Does anyone know of a platform that will run PLECO (preferably Palm, but I suppose WM would cut it too) that has absolutely no transmitting ability? No IR, no WiFi, no cell phone, no Blue Tooth. I work in a secure area and can't have anything that transmits. I can use an iPod, but I really need my PLECO. Of course a desktop version would solve this, but a hand-held with no transmitting ability would solve it right now. Any ideas???



Staff member
It does have IR, unfortunately. I don't know if there's ever been a Palm released without it, actually. There might be a customized version of some Pocket PC model that's had all of that stuff stripped out for government use; I wouldn't be surprised if HP or Dell had produced one at some point. You could also look at a specialty supplier like TDS, the main point about their Pocket PCs is that they're ruggedized, but since a lot of the things they make are designed for the military I have to imagine they'd have developed a connectivity-free model for use in secure environments.