2.0 and Custom Add-on Dictionaries



Can you give an update on what you have discussed in the past as an overhaul or new program that will replace MakeDict for Pleco. I am assuming this is still tied to the rewrite on your db systems, but will there still be some type of desktop based front-end with which to create our own add-on db's?


Staff member
Basically, MakeDict's replacement is going to be the desktop version of PlecoDict; all of our dictionary-creation functionality will be integrated into that. We'll most likely release a free version of the desktop software which incorporates this along with a few other features we think everyone should have (like flashcard backup).

For the period between the release of 2.0 for Palm/PPC and 2.whatever for desktops, your best bet for custom dictionary creation will be to use the (much-improved) flashcard import screen to create the database right on your handheld; databases made this way will be somewhat larger (and a bit slower) than databases made on a PC, but they're in standard SQLite format, so if you want to edit them outside of our software (say, adding some extra bit of text to the end of all entries containing 'shi') you can do that with a SQLite editor.