pleco 4.0

  1. J

    Flashcard Correct:Incorrect Indicator

    I recently noticed that when I save and close a flashcard session and recontinue it later, the indicator at the top bar for correct and incorrect cards increases proportionally by the number of cards completed, so that it no longer reflects the true number for some reason. I've attached 3...
  2. MarianoC

    Pleco 4 where can I download!?

    你好! Soy verificador tester en Google Play, uso la app desde hace 5 años y no puedo descargar la beta 4 para Android en ningún lado. Todas las que encuentro son la que tengo 3.2.90 Qué tengo que hacer? Ayuda por favor amigxs. Slds desde Argentina, Sudamérica.
  3. AONomad

    Apple's Spring Loaded event

    This is more a question for @mikelove but if anyone else wants to speculate, please go for it! Interested in hearing from anyone who knows more than I do. I'm starting an intensive program in September with coursework in Chinese and will almost certainly be buying an iPad Pro exclusively to...