comprehensive dictionary

  1. O

    Dictionary Comparison/hierarchies: Which dictionary add-ons have the least overlap with Pleco free dictionaries + professional bundle dictionaries?

    Dictionary Comparison/hierarchies: Which dictionary add-ons have the least overlap with Pleco free dictionaries and/or professional bundle dictionaries? Would it be worthwhile to get another one or two on top of the bundle? I would love as much objective data points as possible but am open to...
  2. D

    Consider introducing these 3 authoritative reference books?

    1. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary 牛津现代英汉双解大词典(第12版)(百年珍藏版)图书/dp/B00CTE2LY8 Short comment: The book has relatively high translation compared to the counterpart 新牛津英汉双解大词典, and also of course authoritative and comprehensive enough. 2. The English-Chinese...