Wrong Character, Right Definition

baron jon

For some reason, my pleco app has suddenly started to act strangely. Now, when I enter a word, it produces the right definition, but the wrong character. Has anyone had any experience with this issue? I've already done the normal stuff to solve it (i.e. delete and redownload app, restart device, check settings etc). Anyone have any ideas?


Staff member
It'll be fixed in our big iOS 7 update, but there's no point in fixing it for the beta because they do a new one every 2 weeks, and it's likely that some of those will introduce additional bugs. So our plan is to wrap up everything and fix it for the official release. (which they give to developers a few weeks before they give it to everybody else, so we have sufficient lead time to submit an update)


Staff member
We did end up fixing it (quite a lot of complaints, plus the practical matter that we didn't want to risk leaving people with an unusable version of Pleco if it took Apple forever to approve the Big Update) so if you download the new 2.2.14 update it should work correctly again.