Tip: Use PasteBot to quickly add text to doc reader


The current process of adding material to the document reader can be a little clunky. I know it will be improved in future releases, but till then I've found a handy tool which can help: pastebot. Currently this tip only works with Mac OS X, as pastebot doesn't offer clipboard sync with Windows.

First, set your Pleco Touch settings to automatically open the document reader if there is long text in the clipboard.

Second, download and install the pastebot iPhone app ($2) and the free desktop sync app, available from their website:


Then, when Pastebot is running, simply copy any text you want to read in Pleco Touch. Each time you copy new text it will create a new item in Pastebot. These will be there till your 99 clipboards are full - or you can save them to a folder.

Then, whenever you want to read one of these items on your iPhone, simply copy them from Pastebot and open Pleco Dict! Voila!