Screen Reader/OCR crashing



I've had a few periods where screen read/OCR crashed multiple times in a row. I can't give more details at the moment because my use of screen reader/ORC is sporadic. The next time it happens, is there a log file I can pull?



Staff member
Are you using the GPlay version? If so then just submit a report through that (via the alert that comes up after the rash) and let us know when you do (post / email your device model + Android version so we can find it in the logs). If not, send us your Registration ID after the crash and we can pull the log from that.


If so then just submit a report through that (via the alert that comes up after the rash)

Just to be clear, I'm talking about the onscreen control that you can call up in other applications to do screen read/OCR. There's no crash report alert - the visible controls just disappear then return after a moment (I'm assuming module is crashing). But, if submitting my registration ID will allow you track the cause of the problem, then'll I do that next time.


Staff member
Hmm... does the icon for screen capture in the status bar disappear when this happens? If not, it's probably not crashing, might just be momentarily disappearing for some other reason.