Review Only or Self-graded testing?



I'm currently trying a sentence learning approach which uses elements of Glossika's sentence learning method - However I keep jumping between two of Pleco's grading methods - 'Review Only' & 'Self-Grading'

The big plus of self-graded seems to be that I can measure progress easier as I give myself a positive score once a new sentence has been learned. Also I initially suspected that forcing myself to recall words and not merely reading aloud from the screen would require greater mental effort and help the learning process.

However as I'm adding sentences in bulk at the moment - I've just hit a 1,000 and want to hit 2,500 in the next few months to get to intermediate level - which I need imminently for work - I feel like it might be more efficient to just review cards - the main benefit being I could work through at least double, probably treble, the number of cards per day, and cover the ground I'm currently struggling to.

I realise the above might make no sense to anyone but if it chimes with any experiences people have had I'd greatly appreciate any pointers.

P.S. I should point out that regardless of how I'm testing myself on the sentences I do take time out to clarify grammar and vocab points of all sentences in my deck.