Pleco for Android 3.2.6 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Not urgent, but: When trying to import or restore a flashcard database, both import dialogs (the one with the import settings and the one with the restore warning) do not display the file name (e.g. nottheactualname.pqb), but some number. Android version is 5.0.1.


Staff member
Thanks - this one was on our to-do list a while ago but somehow vanished, should be easy to fix in 3.2.5 since it's just a few lines of code.


When I try to find 秊 (traditional version of 年) by drawing on the dictionary, I cannot find the right character (which is a very small issue for my fill-in-the-blank test).


Staff member
That character is actually not in the set of characters supported by our free basic handwriting recognizer (as it's not part of the GB or Big5 standards) - it's only supported by our "enhanced handwriting recognizer" add-on.

It might also be supported by a third-party Chinese handwriting input keyboard like Baidu IME or Google Pinyin IME - you can turn on "Use builtin input method" in Test Settings to use one of those enter characters instead of our system.


I don't know if this is a bug: I have configured the "back button behavior" to go "Back to Dictonary and then exit". If I enter pleco through the common button (the blue one) and from there I go to flashcards, clipreader, menus... the back button gets me back to the dictionary (as expected). But if I enter the app through the Launchers, pressing the back button closes the application, no matters where I am. I think in the previous version this wasn't working like this, I could enter the Flashcards through my launcher (green "xue" button) and pressing back I could easily jump back to the dictionary.


Staff member
This is actually by design, but it occurs to me that in the specific case of opening a launcher from the home screen that's probably a mistake. For other direct launches of Pleco subsections - for example, bringing up the Pleco reader from a web page via a "Share" action - it definitely does make sense to bring you right back to where you were, but with the home screen it seems like that's not the case (at least in Google's apps).

So point well taken and we'll see about fixing this in a future update.


Hi Mike, yesterday I updated to the last version and when I enter through the Flashcards launcher (green one), the back button works again :)
When I enter the app through the Dictionary launcher (purple one) and I enter any of the other features, back button still takes me out (maybe it was like this before...?).
Thanks! and happy new year!!!


Still many words definitions do not appear with Grand Ricci. Many characters tones are incorrect. Sorry I don't have example but I often need to double check with baike baidu to be sure about it, quite annoying by the way.


Staff member
@Miguel - that shouldn't be; we'll fix it in 3.2.7, thanks.

@Mehdi - actually not an app but rather a data file issue that we're still working on; sorry, but it's a *really big* dictionary and we don't exactly have a warehouse full of editors to work on this sort of thing so it takes a little while.


Yes,I can understand, for the Ricci thing, but the tone's problem is not related to which dictionary you are using, isn't it?


Staff member
If these are tones printed in the dictionary entries then yes, it is a data file issue. Have you written about it before? Is it possibly related to Taiwan-specific dialect variations?


It's not in the entry of the dictionary but in the pinyin given at the top, which it's using different colors for different tones. For example if you check 从容 in Baike baidu, after asking to my chinese friends here everybodies say the same for the tones cong2rong2 but in here it is written as cong1rong2, but if you search only 从 then you can find the correct tone.This is one example but there are many like this, what I have noticed it is that generally they appeared where there in multi-syllabic word.


Staff member
That particular one is a bug in Ricci, actually - appears in the original source data files too. Going through and fixing all of those would be nearly impossible, since we don't know in which cases their data is actually correct and other dictionaries' is incorrect (e.g. if they're referencing a historical meaning of a word for which the Pinyin was different). However, if you put another dictionary ahead of Ricci in the sort order in Manage Dictionaries, that dictionary's Pinyin will appear at the top of entries instead of Ricci's (with Ricci's alternate Pinyin listed above its definition if it differs). If you'd rather not have a non-French dictionary on top, you could put CFDICT in that spot, or wait a few months until we launch another Chinese-French dictionary. (a cheaper / simpler one from FLTRP that focuses on modern usage)

To be honest, Ricci really was never intended by its creators or by us to act as a general-purpose Chinese-French dictionary; it's much more specialized than that. It would be a bit like using the Oxford English Dictionary to look up the meanings of English words; you might eventually get what you're looking for but you'll have to read through a whole lot of extraneous information before you do. As a scholarly reference for Chinese it's unparalleled - we know of a few Sinologists who have started learning French specifically in order to be able to use Ricci - and if you're lucky enough to already speak French then it'll serve as an incredibly powerful tool for deciphering historical Chinese, but for simply looking up French translations of Chinese words it's kind of overkill.


This bug has shown up for me in the last few version so I though I better mention it.
When using the live OCR the picture often becomes very dark if I leave the ocr screen to check the history or reader etc. When I come back to the camera the exposure is wrong and won't lighten.
Hope this isn't to hard to fix.


This is on your Nexus 5? Running Lollipop or an older version of Android?
Yes, Nexus 5 with lollipop. It might be related to the auto pause on recognition setting but I haven't tested it. But sometimes it goes dark on resume after auto pause.


I really hate to be nagging, but since we can now choose custom colors for toolbar, it'd be really nice to have that hex code support for choosing colors so that we can e.g. input exact color codes straight from the Material Design guidelines.


Staff member
We were actually thinking about just making all of the Material colors available in a palette - would that work? (hex codes are great for those who aren't intimidated by them, but a set of pre-selected colors coordinated to work well with each other and with the rest of Android can benefit all of our users)
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