Option to hide TTS buttons?


I would like to be able to hide all TTS/audio recording buttons, since they carry a great risk of playing audio in the classroom, in public etc. - especially since they activate when you place your finger on the same height as the button (i. e. when scrolling), and not just when you press the symbol.

I noticed that there is a checkbox under Audio called “Hide example button”.
But no matter what this option is supposed to do – it does nothing. Every time I revisit the option it is unchecked, no matter how often I activate it.


Staff member
Is it not hiding the example buttons or is it not hiding the buttons in the header?

Best way to get rid of all audio would be to delete all audio add-ons in Add-ons / Installed and then also to set the System TTS Engine in Settings / Audio to None; do that and Pleco won't have any means of playing audio.