list of words with a neutral tone syllable?

Books and dictionaries I've seen don't always tell you about words whose last syllable has become neutral for a lot of Mandarin speakers. I tried googling for a list, but couldn't find one, and I can't trust my ears when people speak. I realize that speakers' preferences will differ based on region, but can anyone point to a list of nouns and verbs that have a neutral tone syllable?


If you are satisfied with the words that belong to your flashcards, you can export all flashcards and search (in Editor, Excel ...) for words ending with a, e, i, u or o). Unfortunately not even the free dictionaries can be exported - otherwise you could export the whole dictionary and search.


Staff member
HW60 said:
If you are satisfied with the words that belong to your flashcards, you can export all flashcards and search (in Editor, Excel ...) for words ending with a, e, i, u or o). Unfortunately not even the free dictionaries can be exported - otherwise you could export the whole dictionary and search.

Well they can't be exported, but the source databases are all available from their creators' websites - we haven't bothered to develop an exporter because we figure people are better off getting the very latest data from them.
Can you provide links to the creators' web sites so I can download the databases? I tried googling, but couldn't find them, and I don't see the PLC dictionary at the Pleco web site.


Staff member
Sorry, I meant "free" as in "open-source." PLC isn't technically a free dictionary, it's a licensed dictionary that we distribute for free with our iPhone software - actually a combination of some content of our own and some content we licensed from a publisher. So unfortunately it's not possible for us to release that dictionary in plaintext format. You can, however, export some definitions from it through the flashcard exporter.
OK, I understand. But if the source databases are all available from their creators' websites, and you figure people are better off getting the very latest data from them, can you tell me where to go to download that data?


I'm a little late, but there is a list like that for Chinese folks. All I did was go to Google and type in "輕聲表" and came up with lots of hits for a list associated with the 《普通話水平測試》which is a list for Chinese in the PRC to test the 'standardness' of their Mandarin. These web lists for neutral tone all have the same 545 words (one source says 206 of those words end in 子, but I didn't count). Here are a few pages that looked good: ... gsheng.htm
or Word ... 1f3d3.html
or Excel ... 73888.html