HWPen For Palm OS5

Hi Mike

:?: Just wondering if it is OK to Install HWPen on a T5 Running PlecoDict.
:?: Do you happen to Know where I can Download HWPen for Palm OS5 onto a Mac?
(I've already tried Google :? )

The Duelist


Staff member
It should be OK; I'm not sure how well HWPen works on newer Palms, but our data files and theirs won't interfere with each other.

And the main download site for HWPen is www.hwpen.net but they only offer .exe downloads - I'm not sure where you could get a .zip or .sit version, there's an old version of HWPen listed on PalmGear with a .zip download link but I don't think it would work on your T5. Might be worth a try though - http://www.palmgear.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=software.showsoftware&PartnerREF=&siteid=1&prodID=38282 is the link.