Handwriting recognizer not detecting radical 64 扌


Handwriting recognition will not detect radical number 64. I am unable to search for any characters using this radical.
So far it’s the only one that seems to have this issue. To be fair my handwriting is not immaculate, but I have tried to enter it probably 30 or 40 times as an experiment and 0% of the time does it show up as a possibility.

I am using an iPad with an Apple Pencil. I didn’t notice that when I enter the character using a different input method that there appears to be a blank space to the right of the character, so it’s almost as if there’s an issue with how iOS encodes or renders the character.



Hi dightonjw,

that's just because the 手 character and the 提手旁 (which is the radical shape you were trying to input) are like two different ways of writing the same radical. The narrower shape is the short form. Here the 手 radical is in the third row of four-stroke radicals:


So 手 is radical number 64:


There are many such pairs. Such as: 衣、示、人、水、心 (this one is a triple, it can occur in two different short forms). If you go into radical input mode in Pleco, you will get to them most easily. They are printed right next to the full form (under "0 strokes"):


Hope this helps, cheers,



Staff member
We had another report of this, actually - the handwriting recognizer settings flag for recognizing radical characters is not being set correctly, should be fixed in the next beta.


You must be referring to a useful new feature of Pleco 4.0‘s handwriting recognizer. Pleco 3.2‘s recognizer didn't allow me to input the left sides of the following characters, for example:

Regards, Shun
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