flashcards-how to deal with a big stack of cards?



What's the best way to deal with a big stack of cards...for example the new HSK. it has thousands of cards.
lets say i choose HSK 5. it has 1300 cards. so what's the setting to have in order to learn it.
I don't want to set different settings every time. what's the best permanent settings?



Staff member
Go into Card Selection and turn on "limit new cards" - configure it to introduce a set # of new cards per day (however many you'd like).


Does it work also with filters on? If I have 1300 cards, but I already know 1000 of them, can I be tested only on those cards? Is there a way to export to a new test (not category) only a subset of the cards? let's say I test all of the, but get 300 wrong...so how do I manage that?

Thanks for the (quick) reply.


Staff member
Yes - the "new card" management system works within the pool of cards that pass through whatever filters you've set.


Is there a way to export those specific cards to a new category though? i'd really want to focus on a specific subset of the whole category and dont really want to change settings every tie ust in order to get a specific group...if not i think it could be a nice feature.

oh and btw, i wish there was a way to add some specific extra buttons on the search screen...maybe on the ipad u do, or at least have more space there. something like a back button, instead of going to history...a lot of times i'm searching for a word, then for a word related to it and want to go back to the original one...


Staff member
Sorry, I don't quite follow - you want the new cards to be in a different category but you don't want to switch to a different category every time you review? Why is it important that they be in a new category then?

Re back buttons, to be honest we aren't happy with our approach to history in general right now - we need to come up with some sort of system that combines 'entries' and 'searches,' separating them like they are now doesn't really leave you with the sense of going 'back.'


i think a back button (going back for last look-up) actually could work quite nice, it's like how it used to work on web browsers before tabs were added. and it'll b quicker in pleco (-:

the main issue is like that. i'm studying hsk5 words, however i already know most of them.
i want to focus only on the ones i dont feel really strong that i know them (meaning some i dont know, but some i do, just not perfect). so i want to practice only those 300-400 words and not all of the 1300 of them.
i probably could do that just by looking at the list in organize, but it's not the same as while confronting them at a test and actually realizing how well/bad i know them.