chinese dictionary translation question

working on a user dict

how do english dictionaries usually translate: “又说”

for instance I have the following entry:

包谷 bao1 gu2 玉米。又说 “玉麦”。

is this like a "see also" or what I'm not really sure on the etiquette
would it be like this:

包谷 bao1 gu2 corn. also: “玉麦”.

I really have no idea


Staff member
ABC says "add; say also" which doesn't exactly explain it too much... "say also" is probably as good a translation as any though.
ABC says "add; say also" which doesn't exactly explain it too much... "say also" is probably as good a translation as any though.

what I meant actually was when it appears in an entry like 西红柿 又说“番茄”
cc-cedict seems to put "also called" into their entries -- I just didn't know if there is a better way of putting it -- or even a "proper" way of putting it
what about 即?

Mike, or others, any recommendation on how a dictionary would write this up properly?

I have a definition for a word where the entry says:

a dictionary is not exactly going to write something like "that is to say:"...not sure if there's a 'good' way to write this? or whatever