Change score outside flashcard mode

Sometimes I realize I forgot a word which is in my flashcards and has a really high score.
So I want to set the score back to 100 it to study it again.

The only way I found to set the score to 100 is to "reset statistics". But I don't think that is fair to do so. I like statistics very much, I don't like to change the "total number of repetitions" and the history of the word.

In the flashcards there is a button "reset to 100" and by pressing long enough, we can even make it half, quarter, tenth, double, etc. Is there any way to get this feature when outside the flashcard system?
Thanks :)


Staff member
Yes, you can do it via Edit / select just the cards you want to reset / Batch and there's an option there to reset the score without changing statistics.