Anyone using Pleco with an XDA


I am thinking about getting an XDA (either a flame (if it comes out in the UK before I go to China) or an orbit which comes with satnav... has anyone used on of these with pleco? I am guessing that they would be fine as they run windows (but now it comes with windows 6 rather than 5 apparently will this be a problem?)
I've been using a T Mobile MDA Vario for the past year with pleco dict - I think it also goes by the name of O2 XDA Mini S, also Qtek9100, Dopod 838 etc.

Works perfectly with plecodict but have to also install CE Star.

Actually, anyone have any ideas for installing plecodict on a smaller device? I like my MDA but on a night out it's like a brick in the pocket.


Thanks for the info... I am still trying to justify getting an xda rather than just using my pda and L7... both work fine but I am thinking about getting a new toy before I head back to China..