Ankidroid flashcards - head word only exports in plain text


I have the following configuration in Settings/Modules/Flashcards:

  • Flashcard System: AnkiDroid
  • New Card Deck: Chinese
  • Default New Card Model (word): Chinese
  • Configure Card Models:
    • Chinese
      • Use for word duplicate checking: [X]
      • User for sentence duplicate checking: [X]
      • Question
        • Include Fields: sc
      • QuestionFancy
        • Include Fields: sc
        • Include in duplicate checking: [_]
        • Format as Pleco Header: [X]
        • Tone Color Characters: [X]
      • Answer
        • Include fields: df
        • Include Examples: [X]
        • Plaintext definition: [_]
      • AnswerSound
        • Include Fields: {blank}
        • Include in duplicate checking: [_]
      • AnswerPinyin
        • Include Fields: py
        • Include in duplicate checking: [X]
        • Format as Pleco Header: [X]
        • Mandarin System: Pinyin w/numbers
        • Mandarin Spacing: Don't change
        • Tone Color Characters: [X]
With these settings, everything more or less works as expected in terms of the formatting, except that the QuestionFancy field does not end up having any tone color characters, even though I have that option explicitly checked. The QuestionFancy field does display in HTML, but no spans are added around the entry to color the characters for tone, like what is done in both the Answer and AnswerPinyin fields.


Staff member
Does it help if you turn off 'format as pleco header'? It might be getting flummoxed by that because it's expecting to have pinyin along with characters as an input to it.


Does it help if you turn off 'format as pleco header'? It might be getting flummoxed by that because it's expecting to have pinyin along with characters as an input to it.
Well if I turn off "format as pleco header" then the option to tone color characters disappears and then output is just plain text.


Staff member
Hmm... and I assume it also doesn't help if you add pinyin the list of included question fields? Is tone coloring turned on in the regular app?


Staff member
Yeah, sorry I didn't mention that the first time - it's also the way we handle this in our internal flashcard function. We hide tone colors in a question that doesn't include pinyin on the theory that since the tone colors are the hardest part of a reading to memorize for most people, you probably don't want to give them away when you're trying to remember the pinyin.

(but there's probably also an argument for ignoring that for Anki exports since somebody might want that field with tone coloring in isolation for a particular card template; then again, there are also Anki templates that add tone colors based on pinyin themselves)