I run Pleco on my iPad and just have it sitting beside either my work Windows PC or my personal MacBook at home.
On my network with my Mac, any text I “copy“ on the MacBook wirelessly becomes “paste” content on my iPad, and vice-versa (I cant remember if this was out-of-the-box behavior or a switch on MacOS I had to flick, but I’m thinking it may have just popped up on my Mac asking if I wanted to share the clipboard with my iOS devices). So, even though Pleco isn’t running on my Mac, it’s been just as good since it’s virtually connected. You can use iCloud to allow you to take snapshots and images from one device and then have them available within seconds on another device. And using Catalina’s Sidecar tech (previously using the Duet app on Mojave) you get dual-monitors (MacBook screen plus iPad screen).
When using my iPad with the Windows machine, you don’t get the great ‘wireless-cut-and-paste”, but having Pleco right there for viewing works well If you are willing to screenshot the monitor or type things out.
So, yeah, you need an Apple tablet to make the ecosystem work for you, but it works really well with nothing special needed within Pleco to support it working. I understand that’s a more expensive option that may not be available to everybody. But based on the slick MacOS/iOS/iPadOS interactivity, if my vote mattered, which it doesn’t, I’d rather additional Pleco development investment go into iPadOS/iOS rather than MacOS