Japanese flashcards


After some testing I think I found a solution for japanese flashcards with Pleco:
- as there is no japanese dictionary in Pleco, custom cards have to be used
- Pleco has no japanese HWR, and even with the radical input japanese Kanji without chinese equivalent cannot be entered (i.e. 庁 cannot be entered with Pleco, but when it is entered somehow, it can be found with Pleco in CC-CEDICT as ting: Japanese variant of 廳).
- there are 2 ways to enter japanese words (Kanji and Hiragana/Katakana) into Pleco: either with a japanese HWR, or by importing japanese flashcards made with Excel or other programs on the host. There is a very good japanese freeware HWR including a free japanese-english dictionary on http://ookii.org/software/japaneseinput/default.aspx, and it can be used together with Pleco
- It is necessary to use hiragana/katakana for the pronunciation of words instead of romaji, as Pleco changes romaji input according to pinyin rules, inserting tone numbers and changing letters to create pinyin syllables.
- There is no audio, but the search function of manage flashcards can be used with hiragana too.
- With these precautions a repetition spaced, self scored flashcard session really works. It is even possible to create a chinese/japanese - english User dictionary for all chinese and japanese flashcards which then can be found in compounds:


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Staff member
Neat - certainly helps to argue for the easiness of developing an official Pleco Japanese version, though it seems like at the moment it would have to get in line behind a dozen or so other things :)


Actually there is no need to implement japanese support, because the existing flashcard capabilities will do. Even free answer mode is possible, and Pleco is able to rate japanese characters as correct even if Pleco's HWR is not able to write them:


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