Text Annotations


I find the new Document reader ---> Document Settings ---> Text Annotations ---> Ruby text function to be extremely well done. I especially like that you can fine tune the display of the Ruby text. Entire PDF documents can now be automatically annotated with pinyin and/or tone coloring. A dream functionality would be the ability to output this Pleco annotated document as a PDF. Currently, sharing the PDF documents strip out all the annotations.

Here is a tip that I discovered, I have found that tone coloring is helpful, but too much color is confusing when reading a long document. My main problem is confusing 2nd and 3rd tone characters, so under Settings ---> Tone coloring ---> , I changed the Tone 1, 4, and 5 to text (displays as black characters only). Now when reading documents with tone coloring switched on, only the 2nd and 3rd tones are colored.