Questions about flashcards before purchasing the add-on


Hi. New user here.

I have a few questions about the flashcards to see if they'll suit my needs. Unfortunately my searches across the web haven't answered these questions...

1) Does it have a good SRS system (like Anki does) configured by default? I love Anki default SRS settings.

2) Can I sync my flashcards, complete with progress, with iCloud or something like that? I'd hate to lose progress if I lose my iPhone.

3) Can I sync flashcards between iPhone and iPad? I prefer to use the reader add-on on the iPad, and I'd be adding flashcards from it, but I prefer to review on the iPhone.

4) Since I already have the Mandarin audio add-on, can the flashcards include this audio? To better practice my pronunciation of words.

5) Can I create custom entries? For example, proper nouns not in any of the dictionaries. Can I still hear Pleco's syllable-by-syllable pronunciation with these custom entries?

Sorry for so many questions that must sound obvious to you! I did try Googling all of this, and I did try using the forum search function...


Staff member
Thanks for your interest in our software! Sorry you couldn't find the answers you needed online.

1) Yes - uses a derivative of the old SM-2 algorithm just like Anki does.

2-3) Yes, they're automatically backed up on iCloud (like virtually all iOS app data) and can also be synced on iCloud if you'd like to share them with another device.

4) Yes, they include it automatically in fact.

5) Yes - if you enter characters in the search box Pleco will even fill in the other character set + Pinyin for you.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


Thanks for the answers!

Well, since I already have both the Mandarin audio (male) and Document Reader add-ons, is it possible to get a discount on any of the two "bundles"?


Thanks. Hey, just found the interview you had with Tech in Asia...
Fantastic stuff. I'm glad you're sticking with us users instead of selling your company. It's so good to have such a personalized experience.