Please post a screenshot of list view in Flashcards


There's no demo so I'd really love to see a screenshot since this will be a major feature I'll need.

How is it sorted? Can I email the list? Can it be synced via iCloud? Can it be viewed without using them as flashcards?



Staff member
You can sort it any way you want in Search Cards. And yes, you can export to a text file and then email it to yourself, and as of our next update you'll be able to sync it over iCloud. And it can indeed be viewed without using them as flashcards (screenshot of that view here). The next update will include the list-making capability (which we're calling "Bookmarks") for free - just no testing - so if you wait a bit you can try it out via that.


I'm in Flashcard settings but cannot simply view a list of my SAVED TO LIST entries. There's a Begin Test Session button but no View List function.

EDIT: Just noticed a save words to Flashcards or Word List setting. I'm praying that we can view a list of saved words IN the Flashcard add-on
and not only in the Word List file because the Word List is not easily viewable. You have to download it etc. All study flashcard/word list systems I know of have a test AND word list view function.

If I'm not able to view a list of saved words in the Flashcard add-on I'm in trouble because I just bought it.

EDIT: Found something else too. In the Test Session you can enable the audio icon by going into Flashcard settings->Show. Problem is if you enable it for example (Chars + Pinyin + Audio), the audio plays
as soon as the card appears. I only want the audio to play when I click the audio button. No other time. If this can't be done an update would be great.

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Staff member
"Word List" can / should be ignored - it was a temporary feature we added for the ~4 months after we launched our iPhone app but before we had ported our flashcard system to it, designed to make it easy to save words for later import into flashcards. So you should turn off that "Word List" option. See the flashcard tutorial for a detailed walkthrough of flashcard creation / management.

Turn off "auto-play on show" in "Test Settings" to get it to only play when you click the button.


Thanks! Ahhh I see because they start off as uncategorised you have to go into Organise then simply click on the folder. Phew I was worried!