Flashcards: custom text formatting



In this thread I inquired about formatting for custom flashcard text:
Formatting text is on our to-do list but like a number of other things is waiting for us to put in the couple of weeks of development time that it would take to get our custom text field control (which we use now to render definitions etc) to support editing so that we're no longer subject to the mercurial whims of Apple's UITextField.
Have you given any thought to using markdown for flashcard formatting? It's easy to learn/use and there are plenty of text editors that support it. (I create the bulk of my flashcards on a computer, then import them into Pleco). It would also be easy to expose markdown within Pleco and let people view/edit it when editing a card's text.



Staff member
We actually write all of our instruction manuals and maybe half of our website in Markdown now. We have indeed considered it for flashcard formatting too, but to be honest the UITextField concerns apply even if people are editing plain text - it's just not reliable enough to entrust tricky / time-consuming text composition to, particularly not if we want to be able to seamlessly incorporate our handwriting recognizer.