Flashcard conundrum: Card Score starts at 100; if incorrect, 10. I don't know why.


My settings (the ones that I think are relevant) ...

Profile: Spaced Repetition

Test type: Self-graded

Configure score subjects:
Show: Definition​
Step 2:
If score >=: 200
Show: Definition
Step 8:
If score >=: 12800
Show: Audio​

Test settings:
Subject selection: Score-based
Allow missing parts: (Checked)
Head / pron from dicts: (Checked)
Card filters: all off

Score Options:
Scoring system: Manual
Configure scoring:
Enable: (Checked)
Increase score: by
Amount: 100
Unit: points
If correct: 1
Type: of last
Of last: 1​
Enable: (Checked)
Decrease score: by
Amount: 120
Unit: points
If correct: 1
Type: of last
Of last: 1​
Score limits:
Enable: (Checked)
Minimum score: -300​

And, with these settings, when I begin a test session, reveal the card, mark it incorrect, the new score of the card is 10.

With the settings above, shouldn't the score be -20? After a couple of days of trying different things, I haven't been able to solve this problem.

Thanks for your time!


Staff member
The score can't go below 10, actually, for algorithmic reasons - if you'd like them to be able to drop further, batch adjust your cards to start out with a higher initial score (say 1000) and then set the minimum based on that.