Flashcard Card Selection Systems


I am curious as to what your plans are for the overhaul of the flashcards feature. I was wondering if you have plans to develop a card selection algorithm similar to the ones used in Skritter or the Brain Scape Chinese app? What I'm looking for specifically is a system that would bring up cards that I consistently get wrong much more frequently than ones I get right. The system would only introduce new cards once I have mastered the current batch of cards that I was looking at and would periodically go back to those cards to make sure I hadn't forgotten them.

The closest thing to a system like this in Pleco that is currently in place is the frequency adjusted system which is scheduled for removal. In that system Pleco can show a card more than once in a single session if it has a low score, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I'm wondering if the reason why it is being removed is because you have a better system, possibly similar to the one I've described, that is in the works?


Staff member

Though I'd argue that spaced repetition actually does this too, particularly if you turn on the option to review incorrect cards at the end of the test - I continue to be skeptical about applying any sort of weighting to a card that you've already seen once on a particular day.