Chinese grammar incorporated into Pleco

Just curious if you ever planned to introduce grammar explanations into Pleco. I see you can click on nouns and verbs and things like that and get an explanation in English as to what they mean. Would be pretty cool and super handy to have something more indepth for Chinese grammar. Something like Allset Chinese Grammar Wike except incorporated into Pleco.


That might be super handy in the reader too. Especially if Pleco could optionally parse the text looking for common grammatical constructs, do a green wavy underline under them (or similar), and jump to the explanations when you select them.


Staff member
Doable but we'd need to find a good source for the data before we could justify putting in the programming effort. Actually the Grammar Wiki itself might be a good bet, I suppose.


Definitely an add-on I'd pay for. Grammar Wiki was something I was also thinking of a while ago.


I would love to see that too, although I have pretty much every Pleco add-in...
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