3.2.5 flashcards: Cannot toggle dictionaries if handwriting is enabled?



Previously you could toggle the dictionary entry when handwriting was enabled. Now it appears that the dictionary toggle has been replaced with a delete/erase button when handwriting is enabled. If you want to switch dictionaries, you have to turn off handwriting. Is this correct? If so, can we bring back the old functionality - it's super annoying to have to turn off handwriting just to switch the dictionary entry.



Staff member
That was actually a bug fix - that button only appeared intermittently above the handwriting box before (when we neglected to call a particular method to rearrange our views). You may have noticed that it would frequently become unavailable if you rotated the screen or hid / reopened the sketch box or switched to a different part of Pleco.

But if it's a useful feature we can easily add code to resize the sketch box to make room for it if the dictionary bar is enabled (at least on anything other than a 4/4S, where the loss of drawing area might be unacceptable).


That was actually a bug fix - that button only appeared intermittently above the handwriting box before (when we neglected to call a particular method to rearrange our views).

I want to make sure we're talking about the same thing. Previously, in the lower right corner of the flashcard screen, Pleco would display the short name of the first dictionary in your dictionary list. This is what I used to quickly switch between dictionary entries. (There was a bug that, when handwriting was enabled, you could when you tapped on the short name, Pleco interpreted the input as handwriting. You would have to disable handwriting in order to tap the short name and switch dictionaries. This bug was consistent, although it didn't happen every single time).

I use Pleco mostly on an iPad in landscape mode. So as of now, I have to reach up, tap 字 to disable handwriting, then bring my hand back down to tap the dictionary short name. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a movement that I perform many times during a flashcard session (especially a long one). I'd love for the functionality to be brought back, or something similar.



Staff member
Yes, same thing. The behavior you wanted was actually the bug - that button was never supposed to be overlaying / not covered by handwriting box, it would end up there in some cases due to a mistake in how we were arranging items on the screen.


Yes, same thing. The behavior you wanted was actually the bug - that button was never supposed to be overlaying / not covered by handwriting box, it would end up there in some cases due to a mistake in how we were arranging items on the screen.

lol, an instance where a bug was proved to be super helpful (at least for me).