Reader enhancement request: PDF continuous/vertical scrolling; hide PDF thumbnails bar



I checked settings and I don't think the following are currently configurable:
  1. Allow for continuous, vertical scrolling of PDF files.
  2. Allow hiding of the PDF thumbnail/navigation bar at the bottom of the reader window.
    1. Alternate: consider allowing "full screen" mode for reader, where by the top/bottom menu bars are hidden and the entire screen is filled with the document; tapping in "white space" in the document brings back the nav bars.
For whatever reason vertical scrolling is more natural for me when reading PDF, rather than side swiping. As for #2, I find the bottom thumbnail/nav bar mildly distracting.



Staff member
Both on our to-do list already - biggest problem in both cases is that the usual gesture for dismissing toolbars (tapping anywhere in the document) doesn't work when that function is already serving to tap on characters to look up, so we need to hack in some sort of little icon for hiding / showing the bars instead. (applies with vertical scrolling too since we can't really have vertical scrolling work well without a way to get rid of the toolbars, or at least the bottom one)